와우, 멋진데요.
멋진 포즈도 취하고, 귀여운 옷도 입고,
선물로, 장식용으로 제격인 고양이 인형입니다.
제작하는데는 평균 7일 가량이 걸린다고 하네요.
Radio One Lebanon 페이스북에 소개된 영상으로,
이 인형을 만든 작가는 영국의 Rachel Brown이라고 합니다.
Rachel Brown의 인스타그램에 보니,
귀여운 고양이 인형들을 더 만나볼 수 있군요.
Wow, 10k followers! Thank you soooo much everyone 💕 I'm totally overwhelmed and grateful to all of you for your support and interest in my dolls. This time last year they were just an idea - now I've made 7 dolls in total and am really excited about making the next one 😻 My online shop will be opening at the end of September and all of the dolls in this photo will be available to purchase. I can't wait to show you all my new website very soon. Thank you thank you thank you ❤😺❤ Rachel Brown(@moonwhiskersdolls)님의 공유 게시물님, 2017 9월 19 오전 3:03 PDT
Wow, 10k followers! Thank you soooo much everyone 💕 I'm totally overwhelmed and grateful to all of you for your support and interest in my dolls. This time last year they were just an idea - now I've made 7 dolls in total and am really excited about making the next one 😻 My online shop will be opening at the end of September and all of the dolls in this photo will be available to purchase. I can't wait to show you all my new website very soon. Thank you thank you thank you ❤😺❤
Rachel Brown(@moonwhiskersdolls)님의 공유 게시물님, 2017 9월 19 오전 3:03 PDT